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What is Canadian Computing Competition ?

Web Consultation

The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) began in 1996 as a forum for high school students in Canada to learn about and enjoy aspects of programming. It is an important admission creteira of computer science or software engineering program at well-known universities. 


Audience: Students who can program by using C, C++, Python (2.x and 3.x), Pascal, Java, Perl, and PHP at primary shools, middle schools or high schools.


Date: Written in Febrary.



The CCC consists of two distinct papers: the Junior Division paper and the Senior Division paper. Each paper consists of 5 questions. Each question is worth 15 points. The range of difficulty increases from the first question to the last question on each paper.


  • More specifically, on the Junior Division paper:
















  • For the Senior Division paper:












Contest Preparation

Our class is composed of Intensive 22-hous sessions which will reinforce the most common questions  and the most  challenging questions, get familiar with the latest CCC questions types and how to dvelop effective algorithems in the tight timeline. It will help students to develop a deeper rooted understanding of methodologies in the CCC and maximize the student’s chances of succeeding in CCC in the shortest time.



Open Class

  • Canadian Computing Competition
    Canadian Computing Competition
    Sun, Jul 04
    Zoom Live
    Jul 04, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
    Zoom Live
    Jul 04, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
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