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  • 严格筛选、能力突出的学科专家团队,全部是加拿大顶尖大学成绩优异的高才生或相应领域专家,具有丰富的大学课程辅导经验,一站式学术辅导,全面提升GPA,帮助学生顺利通过各项考试

  • 大学课程一对一VIP辅导:根据学生应试需求,结合学生的上课教材,PPT,教师的笔记,过往的作业,帮助学生进行针对性的常考题型和知识点进行高效率的定制化辅导,为留学生提供高品质服务

  • 专注渥太华地区大学生课业辅导8年,24小时在线客服保障:

           Tel :(613) 701-4847   Email:

  • ​以下是我们提供服务的部分课程,另外物理、化学、生物、医学、心理学等各种课程因篇幅有限,恕不一一列出


The Oldest and Most Professional University Course Tutoring Institution in Ottawa 
  • One-to-one comprehensive tutoring for university courses; customized tutoring; personal service; Focus on academic tutoring for college students in Ottawa area for 8 years

  • One-stop academic tutoring including assignments, quiz, mid-term exams, projects, essays, final exams etc. quickly improve GPA, and help students pass various exams easily

  • Highly skilled teacher team: they are either outstanding PhD/Master in the dean’s list and got multiple scholarship in top Canadian/US universities or subject experts in the industry. They have strong experience in related courses since most of them worked as the teacher or TA of related courses

  • 24-hour online customer service guarantee:

        Tel: (613) 701-4847  Email:

  • The following are some of the courses we provide tutoring services. In addition, various courses such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and psychology are not listed due to limited space.

University of Ottawa: MAT

1300, 1302,1320,  1322 ,1341,1362 
2122, 2141,2342,2371,2375,2384 
3320, 3341,3379, ... 

University of Ottawa: ECO

2121,2122,2123,2141,2142,2143,2144,2145,2151, 2371 
3145,3151,3152, 3320
4116, 4905 , 5185,...

University of Ottawa: ADM

1100, 1340,


2301, 2302,2303,2304, 2341, 2342,2350

3350, ...

University of Ottawa: ITI

2170,2398, ...

University of Ottawa: CSI

2110, 2120 ,2132 ,... 

Carleton Univeristy: MATH

1001, 1004,1005,1007,1009, 1052,1104,1107, 1119, 1401,1402 
2000, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2052,2107,2404
3001, 3003, 3008, ...

Carleton  University: ECON

1001, 1002, 1401 
2001, 2009, 2020, 2030,2102,2103,2210,2220
3001, 3201, ...

Carleton University: BUSI

1001,1002, 1003,1004,1005,1402,1800 
3008, ... 

Carleton University: COMP


Carleton University: STAT

2507, 2509,2559, 2605,2606,2607,2655,2660 
3502,3503,3504, 3506,3507,3509,3553,3559  
4503 ,... 

What Our Clients Say

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Cindy Bridge

I'm a University of Ottawa's student. Math 1320  and 1322 are pretty tough courses. I compared several companies service and choose Olympiad Education. My excellent marks showed that I made a wise choice and it is worthy for every penny

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